itemtype="" itemscope> Why You Shouldn't Skip Your Morning Yoga Practice

Why you shouldn’t skip your morning yoga practice

5 reasons why you shouldn’t skip your morning yoga practice:– Practicing yoga regularly is considered a healthy habit for the body and mind. But doing yoga in the morning can be especially beneficial for you.

If you don’t know whether you should do yoga in the morning or after an event, let us solve it for you! Strength coach Jagriti Kajaria tells Health Shots why morning yoga is the best gift you can give to your health.

5 benefits of doing yoga in the morning

What are the top five benefits of yoga? 
There are five advantages to early yoga. 
In this way, yoga can aid in the healing process and assist the patient in dealing with their symptoms more calmly and comfortably.

  • Strength, balance, and flexibility are all improved through yoga.
  • Yoga is beneficial for treating back pain.
  • Yoga helps lessen the effects of arthritis.
  • Yoga is good for the heart.
  • Yoga helps you unwind, which promotes better sleep.

1. It recycles our first inhalation.

Why you shouldn’t skip your morning yoga practice
Why you shouldn’t skip your morning yoga practice

The first breath of the day that we take is the most potent, the one with a lot of hidden potentials to create, live and enjoy throughout the day. Our senses are yet to start and just before the eyes have opened, in that first breath, the point between dreaming and waking, we begin to co-create with the universe. This sets the tone for our day.

So, if you are waking up with the thought that “I have a hectic day”, “I did not sleep well”, or “I am not feeling healthy today”, just shut your eyes – turn over, take a deep breath and wake up again. With the consciousness ready to unfold, the waking hours impact how our day will be. Use these strengths in the first hour of your day and make the remaining hours productive.

Also read: Always breathe right: Shilpa Shetty shows and tells

Breathing properly in the morning can have a positive impact on the mind. Image courtesy of Shutterstock 

2. Yoga warms and stimulates the body.

Why you shouldn’t skip your morning yoga practice
morning yoga practice at home,

After waking up, the body is refreshed and rested. When we practice yoga, the body warms up to purify itself and become a center of energy. The spirit is made to develop inner wisdom and bring out the power of the mind through acceptance of God. This is the secret to using the three parts—body, mind, and intelligence—as a source of light throughout the day.

3. Channelizes our vibration

Why you shouldn’t skip your morning yoga practice
Why you shouldn’t skip your morning yoga practice

Even when we sleep, our cells are not at rest as they vibrate at a lower frequency. As soon as we wake up, the cells begin to slowly increase their vibrations and frequency. If we don’t channel these vibrations through activities like yoga, they can get lost in our thoughts. This makes us feel tense in different directions.

4. matches our body’s clock with the Sun’s rhythm.

Why you shouldn’t skip your morning yoga practice
Why you shouldn’t skip your morning yoga practice

When our cells are exposed to the morning light, our body functions are activated. Upon first exposure to light in the dark, the brain stops producing melatonin, thereby stimulating the physical system that directs bodily functions.

A morning yoga session greatly affects our body’s rhythm and the production of melatonin in the brain. Therefore, the various sections of Surya Namaskar help us connect with the source of light and life: the Sun.

Taking advantage of yoga techniques can help us safely stretch and contract our muscles using the ease of breathing, thereby restoring muscle fibers and balancing alignment for support, which is a stress reliever.

5. It Allows us to regain control of our minds.

Why you shouldn’t skip your morning yoga practice
Why you shouldn’t skip your morning yoga practice

It allows us to take control of our minds. 
The morning hours are known to be a very receptive time for the mind, as the communication channels between the body and the intellect are relatively open. This can only be achieved if we resist the immediate urge towards external stimuli when we wake up.

This phenomenon occurs before our brains have controlled our consciousness and allowed our bodies to function on autopilot. In this quiet moment, like the new day, we too are reborn, affirming it as one of the best times for meditation on the go.

So, now that you’re aware of this, try doing yoga in the morning to see what kind of energy it can bring into your life. 

FAQ’s 5 reasons you shouldn’t skip a morning yoga practice

Why should yoga be done in the morning?

Morning yoga practice can calm you down. It helps improve mental focus and concentration. When you control your breathing, your brain gets loads of fresh oxygen. This will increase your mental clarity and ensure that you are prepared for work and can give your full attention and work with maximum efficiency.  Read more Why you shouldn’t skip your morning yoga practice

What happens when you do yoga every morning? 

Making yoga a habit every morning allows the body to get into the habit of deactivating the sympathetic “fight or flight” stress response and instead can finally harness the healing benefits of the parasympathetic nervous system, which increases the health of both our bodies and minds immensely. Read more Why you shouldn’t skip your morning yoga practice

Is yoga in the morning good for you? 

Turner believes that “morning yoga will awaken your body and boost your metabolism for the day. Incorporating some twists into your morning yoga flow will also help stimulate your digestive system, helping you get rid of the bloating from last night’s dinner. and prepare yourself to feel good. Read more Why you shouldn’t skip your morning yoga practice

What is the best morning yoga? 

Image result for 5 benefits of doing yoga in the morning 
Yoga positions to do in the morning 
1. Surya Namaskar (Greetings to the Sun) …
2. Utkatasana (Chair Pose) …
3. Parivrtta Utkatasana (Swivel Chair Pose) …
4. Adho Mukha Svanasana (upside down dog) …
5. Anjaneyasana (low lunge) …
6. Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) …
7. Virabhadrasana III (Warrior 3) …
8. Natarajasana (dancer position)… Read more Why you shouldn’t skip your morning yoga practice

What are the top ten benefits of yoga?

It encourages you to eat healthily and enhances the body’s metabolic process. In addition to lowering blood sugar, yoga also lowers bad cholesterol while raising good cholesterol. It promotes weight loss and increases insulin sensitivity in the body. Read more Why you shouldn’t skip your morning yoga practice

What is yoga’s main advantage? 

increases muscular strength.
More than just looking attractive, muscles are useful. Additionally, they shield us from ailments like back discomfort and arthritis and assist in keeping older individuals from falling. And you combine strength with flexibility when you practice yoga. Read more Why you shouldn’t skip your morning yoga practice

How long should my morning yoga practice last?

There is always time, however fleeting. Ideally, I’d practice yoga for at least 30 minutes each morning, but there were instances when that was simply not possible. For instance, I could not possibly have completed a full flow when I managed to squeeze in a run before work. Read more Why you shouldn’t skip your morning yoga practice

Is yoga better at night than in the morning?

 The benefits of practicing yoga at night
You’ll feel less pressured in your practice because most individuals are freer in the evening. Evening practice relieves stress, aches, and pains and promotes a deeper, more restorative sleep. Read more Why you shouldn’t skip your morning yoga practice

Is yoga really good for you?

 Yoga has been shown to enhance the quality of life and lessen back pain, stress, and other negative emotions. Additionally, it has been discovered to reduce blood pressure and heart rate. According to the alternative medicine center, yoga has been proven to increase fitness, strength, and flexibility. Read more Why you shouldn’t skip your morning yoga practice

Who could benefit from yoga the most? 

Yoga appears to be particularly effective for enhancing flexibility in people aged 65 and older. The normal decline in flexibility that comes with aging was found to be slowed down and improved in older people who practiced yoga. Read more Why you shouldn’t skip your morning yoga practice

Where do I begin my morning yoga? 

Here is our best advice for beginning a yoga practice in the morning. 
1. Prepare yourself despite the fact that time is always exactly the same length, it frequently feels shorter in the morning, particularly when you have a full day ahead. 
2. RPP, or “keep it simple.” 
3. Make yourself at home.
4. Consider the bigger advantage. 
5. Lead with your body, not your mind. Read more Why you shouldn’t skip your morning yoga practice